What I Wore: tip to toe

coat- TJMaxx | sweater- Old Navy | skinny  belt- JCrew | pant- LOFT | shoes- Rockport | bag- Coach*
Can we discuss those Target bags? 
Remember my "WHAT I LEARNED" from the 30for30 Challenge?

I'm trying very hard not to shop for the next 6 months, while I focus on what I want out of my life. That being said I've noticed, like any good addict, that when I give up one addiction I replace it with another. So those Target bags are full of beauty products and housewares...whenever I decide not to purchase clothes and shoes I suddenly need new moisturizer and placemats. So in an effort to fully disclose my shopping addiction, in the hopes that shame will cure my illness, I am letting you know everytime I buy something...here goes!

My name is Brea Ellis and I'm a shopahaulic, I spent $38.08 on beauty items and housewares at Target.

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1 comment:

  1. Hot pink sweater; what?! Fabulous!

    About the shopping - baby steps. Would you only have spent $40 on clothes? Probably not, so I think you've made a stride in the right direction.

    P.S. I almost bought a pair of shoes the other day ($100), but I threw my purse at my friend, ran outside, and when I got home, I put the money into my London savings account.


Let me know what you think! #breaellis or #weariwent

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